Warrior Challenge
Warrior Sessions
Monday-Tuesday: Hurricanes
Hurricane sessions include a dynamic warm-up 20-22 minutes, followed by a 1:30 minute ANAEROBIC challenge 9 times, which will test your ability to work at intensity levels of 80-92% of Max Heart Rate. Training at the this level is very challenging, but has been proven in exercise science to burn the most calories, get you in the best shape of your life, reduce body fat and inches, etc. We do monitor heart rates to make sure you are working in your safe target heart range, by watching recovery heart rates.
Wednesday-Thursday: Metabolic Circuits
Metabolic Circuits include a different dynamic warm-up for 20-22 minutes, followed 5-6 stations each with a different area of work and focus. Each station lasts 30 second and up to 1 minute, switching stations with only 15-30 second rest until all the stations have been completed. Again the focus is getting the heart rate up into the 80-92% of your Max Heart Rate area. After finishing the entire circuit recovery heart rates are monitored to make sure you are working in your right area.
Friday-Saturday: Strength
Strength Day includes a shorter warm-up 5-10 minutes, followed by crawling patterns. Strength work focuses on the primary movers of the upper and lower body with slow 3-4 second lowering phases for optimal eccentric muscle contraction.

150 Yard Shuffle
— at Training for Warriors Houston, TX.

3-Minute Warrior Sit-up Challenge
3- Minute Warrior Sit-up Challenge once again produces record breaking result's! 10 Warriors completed 746 reps, with Improvements coming from Paul Schmitz (Yoda) (+20 at 80 reps total) (Amazing Increase!!!), Richard L. (+11 at 86 reps total), Liz D. +3 (39 reps total), Jeff B. (That's me!, +5, at 103 reps total), and Wesley "Working Wes" Pruitt (+9 for 105 reps total).
Check this video out on how the Warrior Sit-up should be completed

1-Minute Warrior Chin-up Challenge
Just Get One! This could mean just getting one chin-up for the first time ever or getting one more rep than you did last time with the 1-minute Chin up challenge! This morning at 6am we had 4 Warriors who attempted the 1 minute Chin up challenge completing 65 repetitions!
— at Training for Warriors Houston, TX.
4-Minute Warrior Push-up Challenge
— at Training for Warriors Houston, TX.